
Educational Background
2004. 9 - 2008. 1, Ph.D., China University of Political Science and Law
1995. 9 - 1998. 7, LL.M., China University of Political Science and Law
1983. 9 - 1987. 7, LL.B., China University of Political Science and Law
1999. 8 - 2000. 8, Visiting Scholar of University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.
Work Experience
2010. 9 - Present, Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
2010. 9 - 2018. 12, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Business Law, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
2001. 9 - 2010. 8, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Business Law, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
1993. 9 - 2001. 8, Lecturer, Deputy Director of the Institute of Contract Law, Department of Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law
1991. 9 - 1993. 8, Assistant Professor, Contract Law Institute, Department of Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law
1987. 7 - 1991. 8, Student Counselor, Department of Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law
Research Interests
Bankruptcy Law
Company law
Contract law
Courses Taught
General Introduction to Commercial Law
Company Law
Bankruptcy Law
Commercial Law Seminar
Commercial Law Case Study
External Exchange
1999.8-2000.8, Visiting Scholar, Peter A Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada.
1. Executive Member, Deputy Secretary-General, China Banking Law Society
2. Executive Member, Beijing Bankruptcy Law Society
3. Member, East Asian Insolvency Re-establishment Association
4. Member, China Science and Technology Law Society
5. Researcher, Center for Insolvency Law and Corporate Restructuring, China University of Political Science and Law
6. Researcher, Center for Insolvency Law Research, China Renmin University
7. Member, INSOL International
8. Lawyer, Beijing Fada Law Firm
Honors and Rewards
1. The paper "The Legitimacy and Specific Rules of Special Protection for Financial Derivative Transactions in Bankruptcy Procedure " (Joint work), won the 3rd prize of outstanding papers of the 11th China Insolvency Law Forum in 2020.
2. The paper "On the Determination of Floating Mortgaged Property in Insolvency Proceedings" (Joint work), won the 2nd prize of outstanding papers of the 10th China Insolvency Law Forum in 2019.
3. The paper "Empirical Research into the Constitutive Requirements of Revocation of Individual Payment of Debts in Debt Crisis" (Joint-work), won the 2nd prize of Outstanding Papers of Autumn Forum of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School in 2016.
4. The paper "Research on the Standards of Bank Bankruptcy ", won the 2nd prize of the outstanding Papers by China Bank Law Society in 2009.
5. The paper “Legal Form Research on the Cooperative Model of Industry, Science and Research", won the Outstanding Papers Award by China Science and Technology Society in 2009.
6. The paper “The New Development of the Legal Mechanism for the Rescue of Troubled Enterprises: Prepackaged Reorganization", won the 3rd prize of Autumn Forum of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School in 2008.
7. The paper “Research on PBL Teaching Method in Law Education ”won the 2nd prize of Teaching Methods Seminar of Civil,Commercial and Economics Law School in 2007.
8. “The 2nd Prize of Xianzi Excellent Teaching”, award by ZENG Xianzi Foundation in 1996.
9. "Excellent Professional Practice Instructor", award by China University of Political Science and Law in 2005-2006.
10. “Outstanding staff", award by Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, in 2003-2004, 2006-2007 and 2016-2017.
Working languages
Chinese, English
Contact Information
Office Address:
Room A329, Keyan Building, Xueyuan Road Campus
Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
No.25, Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Representative Publications
1. Research on the Legal Mechanism of the Rescue of Troubled Enterprises - from the Perspective of System Improvement, China University of Political Science and Law Press,2009.
2. Pre-packaged Reorganization: Theory and Practice (Joint work), Law Press China, 2020.
3. China's Offshore Legal System (Editor-in-Chief), China Democracy and Legal Law Press, 2020.
4. Overview of China's Legal System (Editor-in-Chief), China Democratic Legal Press, 2019.
5. Commercial Law (Associate Editor-in-Chief), 1st edition, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2007; 2nd Edition, 2014.
6. Dutch Civil Code (Parts 3, 5, 6) (Translation), China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2006.
Book Chapters
1. Commercial law (Insolvency Law Section), 1st Edition, Higher Education Press, 2007; 2nd Edition, 2011; 3rd Edition, 2015; 4th Edition, 2019.
2. Study of Legislation on the Sharing of Scientific and Technological Resources, China University of Political Science and Law Press,2008.
3. Cases in Commercial Law, Intellectual Property Publishing House, 2002.
4. Teaching Cases in Contract Law, Selected Series of Teaching Cases in Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 1999.
5. The Modern Enterprise System and the Transformation of Chinese Enterprises, Enterprise Management Publishing House, 1998.
6. New Contract Law, China Economic Law Series of Teaching Materials, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 1994.
7. Economic Law of China, Economic Daily Press, 1994.
1. The Legitimacy and Specific Rules of Special Protection for Financial Derivative Transactions in Bankruptcy Procedure (Joint work), Journal of Henan University of Economics and Law, No. 4,2020.
2. On the Composition and Limitation of the Exempt Property in Personal Bankruptcy, Eastern Forum, No. 3, 2020.
3. Empirical Research into the Constitutive Requirements of Revocation of Individual Payment of Debts in Debt Crisis (Joint work), Hubei Social Sciences, No. 6,2019.
4. Determination of the Scope of Exempted Property in Personal Insolvency, Business and Economic Law Review, No. 4, 2019.
5. How to Understand that Paying Off Specific Creditors Benefits the Debtor's Property in the Critical Period of Bankruptcy- Re interpretation and Situation Complement of the Exception of Preferential settlement in China, People's Judicature-Application, No.22, 2019.
6. Personal Bankruptcy Exemption and Debt Adjustment: Perspectives from the United States and Continental Europe (translated), The Tea House of Insolvency Law, Law Press China, No.3, 2019.
7. On the Determination of Floating Mortgaged Property in Insolvency Proceedings (Joint-work, Report), Published in the Supreme Court's "Domestic and Foreign Hot Cases Information Weekly" No. 14, 2019.
8. Standards approved by the Restructuring Program: Empirical Research and Theoretical Analysis (Joint work), Vol. 13, Tribune of Insolvency Law, Law Publishing House, 2018.
9. Huddles, problems and solution of out-of-Court restructuring, Korean Journal of Insolvency Law, Vol.7, No.1.2017.
10. Out-of-court Debt Restructuring of Troubled Enterprises, Out-of-Court Debt Restructuring (Series 1), Law Press China, 2017.
11. Review of the Reorganization System, Journal of China University of Political Science and Law, No. 4, 2009.
12. Pre-packaged Reorganization Legal Mechanism of Resolving Companies in Financial
Distress, Science, Technology and Law, No.3, 2009.
13. New Measures to Prevent Abuse of Reorganization Procedure -Amendments to the United States Bankruptcy Law 2005, People's Judicature-Application No.19, 2007.
14. The Legal Status, Problems and Way Out of the Transfer of Rural Collective
Construction Land, Journal of Social Sciences of Hunan Normal University, No.2, 2010.
15. The Position and Evaluation of the Principle of Freedom of Contract in Modern Contract Law, Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, No. 4, 2005.
16. The Reshaping and Evaluation of the Principle of Freedom of Contract in Modern Contract Law, Review of the Economic Law of the People's Republic of France, China University of Political Science and Law Press, vol.5, 2009.
17. On the Risk Prevention of the Pledge of Ordinary Claims (Joint work), People's Judicature, No.4, 2005.
18. The Structure of National Macro-control and its Legalization, Economic Reform and Development No.8, 1996.
19. On the Legal Level of National Macro-control Under the Conditions of Market Economy" (Signed GU Lin), Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.5, 1994.
Full Text Included by People's University Copying Newspaper Materials - Economic Law, No.1, 1995.
20. Study on the Legal Forms of the Cooperative Model of Industry, Science and Research (Joint work), Science and Technology and Law, No.5, 2009.
21. On the Transfer of Third-party Fulfillment and Contractual Obligations, Tribune of Political Science and Law, Supplement, 2001.
22. Analysis of Standards for the Division of Corporate Legal Forms (Joint-work), Tribune of Political Science and Law, No.2, 1997.
23. Identification and Flexibility - Analysis of the Regulation of General Provisions in the Dutch Civil Code, Dutch Experience and Civil Law Re-codification, China University of Political Science and Law Press,2007.
24. Legal Education in the United States and its Enlightenment-On the Reform of Commercial Law Teaching in China, Teaching in Chinese Universities, No.9,2009.
25. Research on the Standard of Bank Bankruptcy, Series 1, Financial Jurists, Law Press, 2010.
26. Research on the System of Defective Company Establishment - A Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Establishment of Defects in Two Law Systems and
the Choice of China's Company Law (Joint-work), Corporate Law Reform in the International Perspective - China and the World: A Collection of Papers on the International Summit on Corporate Law Reform, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2007.
27. How to Lift the Corporate Veil in China's Company Law, Taiwan Wanren Publishing House, 2005.
28. The Regulation of the Company Law on the Related Party Transactions of Controlling Shareholders (Joint-work), Frontier Issues of Legal Adjustment of Economic Activities of China and Russia, 2012.
29. Company Law Reform: Formation of Company (English), China Law, April 2005 (Hong Kong).
30. Profile of Private Law in the Netherlands (Translation), Dutch Experience and Re-codification of Civil Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press,2007.
31. Objectives, Contents and Methods of Law Education (Joint work), China Law
Education Research, No. 2, 2006, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2006.
32. Contract Formation (Translation), Dutch Experience and Re-codification of Civil Law, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2007.
33. Dutch Civil Code (Property) (Translation), Civil, Commercial and Economic Law Review, Vol. 2, 2006, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2006.
34. The Function of Voting Rights Trust and Its Construction in China's Company Law (Joint work), volume 6, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law Review, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2010.
35. Old Bottles and New Wines - Contract Law Encounters E-Commerce, China Science and Technology, No.5, 2001.
36. Law on the Establishment, Adjustment and Protection of High-tech Industries as Soon as Possible, Science and Technology Daily, July 19, 1993.
37. On the Effectiveness of Technology Contracts with Immature Technical Achievements, Tianjin Legal Journal, July 8, 1993.
Research Projects
Responsible Projects
1. Research on the Legal Mechanism for the Construction and Development of Strategic Alliances for Industrial Technology Innovation, National Soft Science Research Project, 2010.
2. Legal Research on Land Transfer and Farmers' Interest Protection in Urbanization, Project of the MOE Humanities and Social Science Research Planning Fund, 2005.
3. Demonstration and Promotion of the Application of Innovative Methods in 2010: Research on the Legal Mechanism for Cooperation in Industry, Science and Research to Promote Independent Innovation, 2010.
4. Research on the Seminar of Commercial Law, Teaching Reform Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2009.
5. Corporate Governance in Restructuring, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2016.
6. Shareholder Rights in Company Restructuring, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2016.
7. Financing issues in Corporate Restructuring, Horizontal Project of China University of
Political Science and Law, 2016.
8. Legal Risks and Prevention of Equity Crowdfunding, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2016.
9. Research on the Disposition of Corporate Bond Defaults, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2016.
10. The Legal Mechanism for the Development of the Strategic Alliance of Industrial Technology Innovation in Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2009.
11. Legal Research on the Protection of Farmers' Interests in Urbanization, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2009.
12. On the Division of Interest Groups in Urban Planning and Its Legal Protection, Horizontal Project of China University of Political Science and Law, 2009.
Participating Projects
1. Research on the Bankruptcy Trial Mechanism in the Background of "Supply-Side Reform", China Law Society, 2017.
2. Research on the Legal System of Risk Disposal and Restructuring of Bank Failures, The National Social Science Fund of China, 2011.
3. Research on the Exit Mechanism of Insurance Companies, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, 2011.
4. Research on the Insolvency of Financial Institutions, China Law Society, 2008.
5. Dutch Civil Law Cooperation Project, International Cooperation Project between China and the Netherlands, 2006.
6. Construction of the National Fine Curriculum for Business Law, Ministry of Education of China, 2006.
7. Commercial Law Beijing Fine Course Construction, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, 2004.
8. Construction of Beijing Excellent Teaching Team - Commercial Law, Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, 2007.
9. Research and construction of the National Judicial Examination Library, Ministry of Justice project of China, 2005.
10. Urbanization and Land Transfer in China: A Study of Legislative Models, Ministry of Land and Resources, 2004.
11. Research on the Protection and Sharing of Science and Technology Resources, Key Projects of National Science and Technology Infrastructure Platform, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2003.
12. Research on the Style and Major Problems of Chinese Civil Code, a Sub-topic of the Project: Major Issues in Perfecting the Legal System of Socialist Market Economy, Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research, Ministry of Education of China, 2005.
13. Models, Mechanisms and Related Policies of Cooperation among Industries, Universities and Research Institutions, a joint project of Baosteel Group, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Association for the Promotion of Cooperation in Industry, Science and Technology, and Science and Technology Law Society, 2008.
14. Research on Legal Issues in the Operation and Protection of State-owned Assets, National Social Science Fund Project of China (Law), 1995.
15. Study on the Procedure of Democratic Management and Employees Participation in Decision Making, one of the Legislative Research Projects for Shareholding System Reform of 100 Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises, State Economic and Trade Commission, 1995.